Physical Therapy Network Solutions has provided the best physical therapy in the industry to thousands of Southern California patients, customizing personalized care plans for all types of patients in the recovery process.

PTNS offers handpicked, multilingual Therapists who are recognized for their outstanding personalities, superior education and experience, and ability to craft a unique plan of care to the individual’s needs & condition. By providing the right tools and knowledge, we are committed to building a lasting, trust-based relationship with every patient, ensuring our patients regain their health, daily independence, and self-esteem.

Physical Therapy Network Solutions believes in the importance of ongoing communication with the patients, families, RN’s, OT’s and the referring agencies. We believe communication is a necessary part of fully understanding the stages of healing to be able to achieve patients’ maximal recovery to independence again. Detailed documentation, consistent communication, and a personalized plan of care are key to ultimately empowering our patients to take charge of their health. We also believe in creating a strong relationship with our partnering agencies to create a team approach when it comes to caring for our patients.

We know that you have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting a physical therapist.  We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss Physical Therapy Network Solutions' qualifications in further detail.  Please feel free to contact us today at about forging a productive and rewarding relationship